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ESSS meetings and activities:



November 19- 10:00 am-1:00 pm - ESSS General Meeting


December11 -12:00 noon-3:00 pm Hybrid Sit 'n Knit

Click here for the Zoom link to join us virtually at  Sit 'n Knit

 Note there will not be a Sit 'n Knit in November (due to Stitches SoCal)


Wednesdays- 5:30 pm onwards (10:00 pm) -in 2021 we began regularly knitting together virtually on our WIPs for the WIP challenge that year.  Although the challenge is over, we always have WIPs so we kept meeting on Wednesdays join us to work o your WIPs or any other knitting you would like to work on.


Friday "Happy Hour" - 5:30 - 10:00pm , bring your favorite Happy Hour beverage (the Webmaster's current favorite is water but will probably change back to hot chocolate when the weather cools off)



It's finally here!


The ESSS Potluck Favorites Cookbook is now available in a downloadable pdf format.


The cookbook is a collection of recipes that our members bring to our birthday and holiday potlucks.  We decided to compile this coookbook so that we can enjoy the foods we have always loved at our potlucks while we are unable to enjoy our potlucks together.


The Cookbook is available to all of our members even if you were unable to contribute to it. 


Click here to get the cookbook (at the same link, you can find information about contributing to a future edition of the cookbook)

Charity report from March 2021 (also some extra stuff I might want to put back)


Since our last report we have donated 61 items to 2 charities.

This includes 23 adult hats, 3 scarves, 4 lap blankets, 1 pair of baby booties, 5 baby blankets, 25 baby hats which gives us a year to date total of 237 items.

There are still plenty of scarf kits from Especially Handmade for You, under the table on my porch. Come by and pick up kits or drop off completed scarves at your convenience.

If you have completed your lap blanket for the Mary Crest Manor Nursing Home Project please get it to Carol Hosely ASAP. She has plenty more kits available.


Thank you to you the members for donating such high quality items – well made, nicely finished, laundered if needed and just ready to use. A credit to the guild.  We now have tags with the guild logo that you can use to tag the items you make for donation.  Feel free to add a few handwritten words of inspiration and first name of the maker.   I have the tags available on request, see me at the meeting   

Although many charities are closed please keep stockpiling your beautiful creations. I will let you know when Yarn Angels are having their next parking lot donation night. It will probably be in the Fall. They collect handmade items for many charities including veterans. This may be another option for us if you are having difficulty getting your items to the charity of your choice.

Remember to let me know what you have made for charity so it can be included in the report. Right now, the easiest way is to post it on Ravelry on the charity donations thread.

Thank you

ESSS meetings and activities:



January 15 - 10:00 am-1:00 pm - Virtual ESSS General Meeting 


January 9 -12:00 noon-3:00 pm Sit 'n Knit

 Note the time change!

If you were at our November 20 meeting you know that the Joslyn Center is now available to us for Sit 'n Knit in person.  Because Sit 'n Knit is held in the smaller room, Sarah (our fearless leader) is able to set up a hybrid get together in person and on Zoom.  Because the number of in person attendees is limited, Sarah is still working out how to allot the available spots.  Look for more information in the newsletter and Sarah's accompanying email.  There are some guidelines below that likely will remain in force.


Wednesdays- 6:00 pm-10:00 pm -WIP club (use the Daily Social Knitting  Zoom link-see below) Bring your WIP for the WIP challenge: get help and encouragement to finish (or even frog) it.


Daily Social Knitting - Details here (must log in to see)


Note that in addtion to our daily social knitting, we have Sit 'n Knit on the second and fourth Sunday of the month


Sit 'n Knit In Person-some guidelines ("rules")


The Joslyn Center is starting to open up again and we are easing back into meeting in person.  They are still a little short on staffing, so things are subject to change. They will be open on Saturday, December 12 (our usual Sit 'n Knit day) so Sarah will be at Joslyn Center in our Sit 'n Knit room.  She is currently working out a system for having a small number of people join her there (stay tuned for more info about how that will work).  For those who don't feel comfortable, she will set up the usual Zoom meeting for Sit 'n Knit (link is here).  There are a few changes from the past for our Sit 'n Knit meetings, so be sure to read the guidelines below so you are prepared for what the meeting will be like.

  • As mentioned above, note the time change

  • Masks are required as at most indoor locations in LA County

  • No food or drink is allowed--so we can't have our usual snacks.  You may bring your own water bottle but you must go outside the building to drink from it.

Some suggestions from Sarah S. on :

Staying Sane--Ways to Stay Connected



By now, most of us are feeling the strain of being stuck at home with only a quick trip to the grocery
store once a week. We all know a fortunate few that have been able to continue working either
remotely or on-site as an essential worker. For the rest of us, we find ourselves both out of work
and without our normal social interaction we rely on to maintain our sanity. Fortunately we have
access to a myriad of online social media platforms to help us stay connected with the world outside
our own four walls. I wanted to remind everyone of some of the opportunities that are available.
Keep in mind this list is in no way exhaustive and they are not necessarily all available for free.
• Ravelry – Search for new groups to join that might have discussion threads on non-yarn topics. I’m a member of a crochet & bread baking group. Just be sure to keep your posts thread appropriate.
• Local Yarn Shops – Many local shops have adopted the Zoom platform to host their regular sit & knits. In some cases they may try to accommodate a portion of their planned class schedule on a modified basis.
• Local Yarn Shops, Part 2 – Many shops have continued to offer online shopping or phone ordering for curbside pick-up. In limited cases, you may be able to speak more in depth with an employee or shop in-store with proper PPE and social distancing, depending on where you live.
• Teachers/Designers – Many teachers, whether full-scale platforms such as Craftsy or individual teachers such as Edie Eckman, have increased their library of online classes and/or offered discounts on certain classes. In some cases, they will send out a discount code in their email newsletter. Designers have been offering their newest patterns free for a very limited time after publishing.
• ESSS Guild – By now I hope everyone has taken the opportunity to log into the ESSS Guild Zoom Chat. Sarah W opens it every day at 8:00am Pacific Time and it remains open until 10:00pm Pacific Time. It is open to all currently active members of the Guild. Some times are more popular than others, but this is a good place to get help on a project, catch up on the ever changing rumors for conventions such as Stitches, get ideas for dinner this week, or just chat about how you’re feeling.


​Holiday Gifts



Saturday, July 16, 2022


10:00 am to 1:00 pm


Joslyn Center

Recreation Park, El Segundo

339 Sheldon St.

El Segundo 90245





It's Birthday Time

Saturday, July 16, 2022


10:00 am to 1:00 pm


Joslyn Center

Recreation Park, El Segundo

339 Sheldon St.

El Segundo 90245




the Top Down Sweater

by Tonya B.


Saturday, June 17, 2023


10:00 noon to 1:00 pm


Joslyn Center

Recreation Park, El Segundo

339 Sheldon St.

El Segundo 90245


Our November Program is

Tea for 2 ... or 12

presented by Joan W


Thank you to Elaine B and Cathy M for their October session on Broomstick Lace. It is so interesting to learn techniques!


For the month of November, we have Joan W presenting Tea for 2 or 12. She will demonstrate for us how to make a tea cozy with any weight yarn to fit any size pot. If you want to work along, bring yarn, needles of appropriate size and a pot! (Probably don't have to really bring the pot ) This could be a nice way to use up scraps to make gifts in time for the holiday season. 

ESSS Charity.PNG


Due to the current level of COVID-19 in the community, we will be holding our meetings virtually.  Our next meeting is June 18, 2022, for details click here

"Zoom Room" hours for social knitting

Monday-Thursday  6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Friday                       2:00 pm -10:00 pm

          (Happy Hour starts at 4 pm on Fridays)


Saturday-Sunday     9:00 am-10:00 pm

Due to the amount of COVID-19 circulating in the community, we will hold our general meetings virtually for the time being.  We will continue using the Zoom service (see below for more information about the Zoom service). 

We will continue to use the Zoom service for our meetings while we are unable to meet together at the Joslyn Center (Zoom provides online meeting services for telephone or video meetings).  This means that we can all "meet" together and stay separate in our own homes.  We will also use Zoom for other times we want to gather together (such as Daily Social Knitting (which includes our WIP club on Wednesdays, Happy Hour on Fridays and Sit 'n Knit on the second and fourth Sunday). 


Details and information about how to log onto the meeting are on the members only page (click here)

The El Segundo Slipt Stitchers Guild is not responsible for the content found at websites that are linked to from this page.  Please use care when clicking on links.

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